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The "Pools"

Currently, the DFC hosts two epee, two foil, and two sabres pools each month.
Fencers, who are 14 or younger, may participate in the Junior Pools in their respective weapons.

PoolDates *ResponsibleBeginning
Epee PoolEvery second and fourth Monday each monthRainer Kluge19:30 Uhr
Foil PoolTwice per monthChristian Rodriguez20:00 Uhr
Sabre PoolEvery first and third Friday each monthOskar Lanzmich19:30 Uhr
Junior Foil PoolOnce per monthChristian Rodriguez18:30 Uhr
Junior Epee PoolEvery last Friday each monthJohannes Wiesemann18:30 Uhr
Junior Sabre PoolEvery last Friday each monthOskar Lanzmich18:30 Uhr

*) Changes possible. For a complete list of dates, go to Dates

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Url: dfc1890.de/pool/index.html Last modified: 17.12.2024 Version: 2.2 (CPU: 147ms)