DFC-LogoDFC-LogoDarmstädter Fecht-Club 1890 e.V.
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How to find us…


Gymnasium of the Georg-Büchner-School (not far from the university sports facilities).

  • Coming from Autobahn 5, Autobahn 67 (Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Mainz, etc.):
    use motorway exit "Darmstadt-Stadtmitte"
    follow the "Rheinstraße" towards "Stadtmitte" (centre) and into the tunnel
    use the left tunnel exit: follow the signs Hochschulstadion and Ober-Ramstadt into "Nieder-Ramstädter Straße"
    turn left into "Lichtwiesenweg" (first possibility to turn left after streetcar tracks have changed to right side of the street)
    immediately turn left into the car park.
  • Coming from B26 (Aschaffenburg):
    follow the B26 (Landgraf-Georg-Straße)
    turn left into Teichhausstraße (in direction Ober-Ramstadt)
    continue straight forward on the second light onto "Nieder-Ramstädter Straße"
    turn left into "Lichtwiesenweg" (first possibility to turn left after streetcar tracks have changed to right side of the street)
    immediately turn left into the car park.
  • Public Transport
    Streetcar lines 2 and 9 to Böllenfalltor
    Nearest station is "Hochschulstadion"

The entrance is in the schoolyard.

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