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Marathon 2018


34th Heinrich Hahn Memorial
International Fencing Tournament (Men's Epee)

Date< and Venue:  June 30, 2018
Nieder-Ramstädter Straße 120, 64285 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel.: +49 (6151) 13482925
Organiser:  Darmstädter Fecht-Club 1890 e.V.
Patron:  Rafael Reißer
Mayor of the city of Darmstadt
Responsible of Organisation:  Jan Tränkner, Paul Pfister
Conditions of participation:  DFB and foreign male fencers born on or before 31th december 2003. Participants younger than 18 years must present a health certificate not older than 365 days.
Time Schedule:  Saturday, June 30, 2018:
8.30am  Check-in closes
9.00am  Beginning of the tournament
ca. 6.00pm  Award ceremony
Format:  After two rounds of pools of 6, fencers are seeded into pool-uniques of approximately 18 fencers in accordance with their prior performance. There is no elimination. The three best performing fencers of a club count as team.
Entries:  Günter Bassenauer, Pfützenstr. 51, 64347 Griesheim
Phone: +49 (6155) 828066
via online entry form
Closing Date:  June 25, 2018 (respectively in order of entry).
Entry fee:  No entry fees are charged for participants who are not members of the DFB and are not competing for a German club.
We would be grateful for anyone prepared and able to referee (we offer a € 30,- compensation).
Accommodations:  Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt Marketing GmbH, Im Carree 4a, 64283 Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 (6151) 95150-0
See our additional list of accommodations.
Responsibility:  The organisers reject any responsibility in case of an accident, loss or damage.
Equipment:  Fencers must wear correct kit conforming to the FIE regulations on safety (800N Jacket, Plastron and breeches; 1600N mask, FIE-Blades). National designs and printed names are not required. Transparent masks are not allowed.
Prizes:  The team award will be handed over to the team winning it three times consecutively or five times in total.
Additional Remarks:  A food stand will be available throughout the whole tournament. Smoking on school grounds is prohibited by state law.
Access to the gymnasium floor can only be allowed with trainers that have been used indoors only. A trade stand of Allstar/Uhlmann and a repair stand will be present.
Results may be published online and in local newspapers.
The organisers retain the right to change the format of the tournament at any time.


34th Heinrich Hahn Memorial
International Fencing Tournament (Women's Epee)

Date and Venue:  June 30, 2018
Nieder-Ramstädter Straße 120, 64285 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel.: +49 (6151) 13482925
Organiser:  Darmstädter Fecht-Club 1890 e.V.
Patron:  Rafael Reißer
Mayor of the city of Darmstadt
Responsible of Organisation:  Jan Tränkner, Paul Pfister
Conditions of participation:  DFB and foreign female fencers born on or before 31th december 2003. Participants younger than 18 years must present a health certificate not older than 365 days.
Time Schedule:  Saturday, June 30, 2018:
8.30am  Check-in closes
9.00am  Beginning of the tournament
ca. 6.00pm  Award ceremony
Format:  After two rounds of pools of 6, fencers are seeded into pool-uniques of approximately 18 fencers in accordance with their prior performance. There is no elimination. The three best performing fencers of a club count as team.
Entries:  Günter Bassenauer, Pfützenstr. 51, 64347 Griesheim
Phone: +49 (6155) 828066
via online entry form
Closing Date:  June 25, 2018 (respectively in order of entry).
Entry fee:  No entry fees are charged for participants who are not members of the DFB and are not competing for a German club.
We would be grateful for anyone prepared and able to referee (we offer a € 30,- compensation).
Accommodations:  Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt Marketing GmbH, Im Carree 4a, 64283 Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 (6151) 95150-0
See our additional list of accommodations.
Responsibility:  The organisers reject any responsibility in case of an accident, loss or damage.
Equipment:  Fencers must wear correct kit conforming to the FIE regulations on safety (800N Jacket, Plastron and breeches; 1600N mask, FIE-Blades). National designs and printed names are not required. Transparent masks are not allowed.
Prizes:  The team award will be handed over to the team winning it three times consecutively or five times in total.
Additional Remarks:  A food stand will be available throughout the whole tournament. Smoking on school grounds is prohibited by state law.
Access to the gymnasium floor can only be allowed with trainers that have been used indoors only. A trade stand of Allstar/Uhlmann and a repair stand will be present.
Results may be published online and in local newspapers.
The organisers retain the right to change the format of the tournament at any time.

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