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Travel & Accommodations

  • Arrival by car:
    Darmstadt can easily be reached via the Autobahn 5 and Autobahn 67 or via the B26 from the east. See map & directions for more information.
  • Arrival by train:
    Arrival at Darmstadt main railroad station. Continue with streetcar line 2 in direction Böllenfalltor (or with one of the many lines to "Luisenplatz" and from there with line 9 direction Böllenfalltor). Get off at "Hochschulstadion". The Georg-Büchner-School is directly across the street.
  • Arrival by plane:
    Darmstadt is located approx. 30 km south of Frankfurt Rhein-Main-Airport. The easiest public transport link to Darmstadt is the Express-Bus Heag-"Airliner" (€ 7,10) from terminal 1 and terminal 2 to Darmstadt main railroad station. Continue by streetcar as described above.

The hotel rates may vary significantly depending on how long ahead the reservations are made. We highly recommend you book your rooms as early as possible, both for reasons of price and for availability, since it may be difficult to find a room a short time before the tournament, due to the Heinerfest on the same weekend. Most hotels offer a convenient online booking service in English (as well as other languages).

Jugendherberge am Woog (youth hostel)
Rates (per person)*:
shared room: € 23,90
half-board: € 27,90
Landgraf-Georg-Straße 119
64287 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 45293
Dist. to tournament site:
4 minutes (by car)
A Youth-Hostel-Membership is required!
ETAP Hotel Frankfurt Süd Darmstadt
Rates (per person)*:
Single room: € 46,50
Double room: € 30,00
without breakfast - € 5,50
Kasinostrasse 4-6
64293 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 3973720
Dist. to tournament site:
6 minutes (by car)
Maritim Konferenz Hotel Darmstadt starstarstarstar
Rates (per person)*:
Single room: € 85,00
Double room: € 55,00
Rheinstr. 105
64295 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 8780
Dist. to tournament site:
8 minutes (by car)
Maritim Rhein Main Hotel starstarstarstar
Rates (per person)*:
Single room: € 89,00
Double room: € 57,00
Am Kavalleriesand 6
64295 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 3030
Dist. to tournament site:
8 minutes (by car)
Hotel Contel mbH starstarstar
Rates (per person)*:
Single room: € 69,00
Double room: € 39,00
Otto-Röhm-Straße 90
64293 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 8820
Dist. to tournament site:
12 minutes (by car)
Ramada-Treff Page Hotel, superior starstarstar
Rates (per person)*:
Single room: € 79,00
Double room: € 46,00
without breakfast - € 13,00
Eschollbrücker Straße 16
64295 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 3850
Dist. to tournament site:
5 minutes (by car)
Hotel Ibis Darmstadt starstar
Rates (per person)*:
Single room: € 56,50
Double room: € 34,00
without breakfast - € 9,50
Kasinostraße 6
64293 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 39700
Dist. to tournament site:
6 minutes (by car)
Best Western Parkhaus Hotel starstarstar
Rates (per person)*:
Single room: € 76,00
Double room: € 40,00
Grafenstraße 31
64283 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 28100
Dist. to tournament site:
5 minutes (by car)
Hotel Jagdschloss Kranichstein starstarstarstar
Rates (per person)*:
Single room: € 160,00
Double room: € 90,00
Kranichsteiner Str. 261
64289 Darmstadt
phone: +49 (6151) 97790
Dist. to tournament site:
15 minutes (by car)

* Rates per person per night as at March 2008, incl. breakfast. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information.

More Hotels
More Hotels can be found on the internet pages of Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt Marketing GmbH (in German).

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